The Joe Gqabi District Municipality Executive Mayor Councillor Nomvuyo Patricia Mposelwa delivered her 3rd State of the District Address (SODA) at Burgersdorp Town Hall, in Burgersdorp on Tuesday 17th September 2024.
This year’s, SODA 2024 took place on Heritage month, under the theme, “Celebrating the lives of our Heroes and Heroines who sacrificed for our freedom”. It’s focus was on remembering the freedom fighters that were forced into exile by the apartheid regime and passed away in the foreign lands. Among those brave men and women who were integral to our struggle was Joe Ndzingo Gqabi.
Addressing the crowds during SODA 2024, the Honourable Executive Mayor Councillor Nomvuyo Mposelwa emphasised the district municipality’s commitment in providing clean potable water and sanitation to our communities.
The Executive Mayor Mposelwa reported on the previous financial years and plans into the new financial year 2024/25. She detailed the financial allocation of various projects as follows: In Walter Sisulu Local Municipality: Currently undertaking four projects valued at R284 million, with a major focus on water infrastructure, receiving R234 million (82%) of the budget. Senqu Local Municipality: The District is implementing twelve projects valued at R1.6 billion, predominantly for water infrastructure at a total of R1.2 billion. Elundini Local Municipality: Seven projects are implemented, totalling R1.402 billion. Here, R769 million (55%) is earmarked for water infrastructure, while R633 million (45%) targets sanitation improvements, including the provision of VIP toilets in rural areas. This is expected to serve approximately 1,595 households across targeted areas.
The Executive Mayor also gave account on the district performance in the past 5 financial years in different municipalities as follows: In the Walter Sisulu Local Municipality, the JGDM has implemented 10 water and sanitation projects worth R384 million. Of these, 6 projects, valued at R100 million and funded through the MIG, have been completed. JGDM has also implemented 16 water and sanitation infrastructure projects in the Senqu Local Municipality, amounting to R2.1 billion. Of these, five projects, valued at R520 million and funded completed. Lastly, 11 water and sanitation infrastructure projects have been implemented in the Elundini Local Municipality, amounting to R2 billion. Of these, four projects, valued at R614 million, have been completed, funded through the MIG. Thousands of jobs were created during these water and sanitation service delivery development projects.
The Executive Mayor Mposelwa reaffirmed the district’s dedication to managing its budget responsibly and ensuring transparency in all expenditures. She assured residents that every cent spent is accounted for and that the local municipalities have specific budgets to facilitate ongoing and future projects.
The Honourable Executive Mayor Mposelwa said the district municipality highlighted several significant milestones: (i) Providing potable water through the Senqu Rural Water Programme to over 20 villages in Sterkspruit and Herschel. (ii) Completing the Blue Gums to Herschel water pipeline. (iii) Supplying VIP toilets to more than 50,000 households in rural areas of Elundini and Senqu. (iv) Providing water infrastructure to over 2,000 households through the Mt. Fletcher Bulk Water Scheme. (v) Successfully upgrading and refurbishing Wastewater Treatment Plants in Maclear and Burgersdorp. (vi) Completing the upgrade and refurbishment of Water Treatment Plants in Barkly East, Burgersdorp, and Sterkspruit. (vii) Commencing the long-awaited Sterkspruit Sanitation Project, funded through RBIG. (viii) Successfully refurbishing the Burgersdorp sewage pump stations, eliminating sewage spillage in the town.
Regarding the Umzimvubu Dam, progress is being made. This multi-billion-rand development project is expected to be completed by 2030, including the construction of two multipurpose dams on the Tsitsa river.
In July and August this year (2024), the Executive Mayor Mposelwa introduced contractors for water development projects to the community of Elundini and Senqu Local Municipalities. She also reflected on livestock improvement for communal wool producers. Since 2019 to-date the communal farmers have benefitted about R31 million through wool production. Approximately 850 farmers were assisted, the Rams produced over 800 lambs with a combined flock of over 10,000 sheep, have benefited communal farmers with Donnie and Merino Rams from this program.
The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, and the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform play meaningful roles in providing technical expertise and annual funding to farmers. During the 2023/24 financial year, R41 million was invested in district-wide agricultural projects. Wool producers, in particular, have seen a substantial increase in profits, from R19.7 million in 2017/18 to R32 million in 2022/23. Additionally, the DRDAR spent over R31 million on food security initiatives, benefiting more than 4,500 people, bringing much-needed relief to impoverished households. Joe Gqabi District Municipality in partnership with Potato South Africa launched a project to increase potato production for emerging local potato producers at Umnga`2`3 Flats in Elundini Municipality.
The Joe Gqabi District Municipality with its entity JoGEDA, it’s three local municipalities with their local Economic Development offices and Department of Environment and Economic Affairs are working tirelessly to support emerging businesses with financial assistance. In addition, the Joe Gqabi district’s economic development also heavily relies on tourism. The Department of Economic and Environmental Affairs has approved a R330,000 budget for renovating the Oviston Nature Reserve, a project set to span three years. So far, approximately 17 kilometers of fencing has been completed. The national government has allocated R3.2 million for the Oviston Nature Reserve through the Presidential Employment Stimulus, creating 45 jobs and benefiting 12 SMMEs.
Joe Gqabi Economic Development Agency (JoGEDA) in association with the University of Stellenbosch Business School, continues to impact local business development by helping individuals acquire skills through tertiary institutions in various sectors. For the 2024 academic year, there are 23 participants, 15 under 35 years old and 8 over 35 received business training.
Executive Mayor Mposelwa called upon communities to support the district’s initiatives and remember the sacrifices made by struggle heroes, reinforcing the district’s mission of improving the living conditions and honour the legacy of those who fought for freedom. The Joe Gqabi District Municipality is one of the top-performing municipalities in the province in terms of governance, having achieved six clean audits since 2015, according to the Auditor General’s reports. Furthermore, JGDM has been recognized as the best-performing institution in governance and administration within the province.