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- Create Date December 7, 2023
- Last Updated December 7, 2023
Bid Documents Steel Containers
Bid Documents Steel Containers
Tenders are hereby invited from suitably qualified and experienced Service Providers for the SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF
Bid documents will be available from the www.etenders.gov.za and the Joe Gqabi District Municipality website
https://jgdm.gov.za/. Hard copies of the bid document will be made available from Joe Gqabi District Municipality SCM
offices Corner of Cole and Graham Street Barkly East from 08 DECEMBER 2023 upon payment of a non-refundable fee of
R 200.00 (Two Hundred Rand) for each document (either in cash, EFT or direct bank deposit to ABSA, 2380000019).
Please quote the company name and bid number as reference. Payments must be made at the Cashier’s Office, which is
situated at the ground floor, Cnr of Graham and Cole Streets, Barkly East between the hours of 08h00 and 15h00 prior to
the collection of the bid documents. Proof of purchase must be attached to the original Tender Document. Direct eTender
and Municipal website tender document downloads are for free.
Completed bid documents must be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked “SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF NEW
SHIPPING / STANDARD STEEL CONTAINER: JGDM2023/24-015 (ONCE-OFF)”. These must be deposited at the official
Tender Box situated outside the Main Building – JOE GQABI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY, Corner of Cole & Graham Streets,
Barkly East before closing time of 12H00 (Noon) on `31 January 2024. Thereafter, tenders will then be opened in public.
The submitted tenders shall remain valid for 90 days after closing date. All tenders must be deposited in the tender box
either by Bidders’ representative or courier services, no municipal official will take responsibility to deposit any bidders’
documents into the tender box situated at the address mentioned above.